Many times these are simple typos, some are misspellings (not every contributor speaks English as a native tongue, nor as their first language) and pre-TS08 error checking was far more lenient. Alas, there are some actual errors in downloadable content from not only the DLS but from otherwise reputable 3rd party content creators such as Mocrossing pack (zip file) packâthe fixing of which is covered in a forthcoming tutorial. The Hierarchy Of Assets and config.txt files Asset fixing is something of a misnomer except in rare casesâmost widely used assets need fixing by updating to new technology levelsâbecause they have become out of date relative to updates in the game engine's data needs. If you are going to make headway fixing assets, you will need to understand where to look things up. If you begin exploring Trainz as a building tool, crafting or modifying a route, or venture boldly forth onto the DLS and acquire one of the 2500+ routes uploaded in the last decadeâ you will indubitably end up facing the learning curve of ' fixing assets'. TOC | Beginnings | Fun | AM&C | Creation | InBook Refs | ORP Refs: ⢠Index ⢠Containers ⢠Kinds ⢠Tags | Appendixes ⢠VersĬontributing author: The Yesterdayz-Trainz group
< Trainzâ | AM&C Trainz Asset Maintenance and Creation